Wednesday, February 10, 2010

Calculation of inductance and Q from S parameter

For Single-ended inductor (equations valid in ADS):


For differential inductor:


Thursday, February 4, 2010

Update design library to a newer version for IBM 0.13um PDK

First, you need to update all the ENV setup files, .cdsinit, .cdsenv,…. and cds.lib files;
Second, you need to reissue the CDF callbacks. For update a whole library, you can do by invoking IBM_PDKàLibrary ibmPdk Parameter Check in CIW. For update one cell only, you can do by invoking IBM_PDKàCheckingàCDF parameter Check in cell view window. Remember you must save for both case.

For details, you may refer to the sections 1.2 and 6.2 of cmrf8sf.cdslib51.rel_notes.pdf

Wednesday, February 3, 2010

Difference between average power and RMS power

For digital circuits, the power consumption refers to average power.

RMS power is meaningless and misleading.

RMS is meaningful for Voltage and Current in a LINEAR circuits.


For non-linear circuits, only average power should be calculated.

An analysis with simple examples can be found at: